Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Going away is great but coming HOME is even better! Last week it felt like I was home for about.....oh, 10 MINUTES!!!! A couple of days after returning from Seattle, we left for Denver to celebrate my little sister's 24th birthday and see my brother in concert.

Of course it was great and my family spent precious quality time together! You know I took a million pictures...I just need a minute to post them. I'll try to get that done this week. I hope you all are having a wonderful October!!!


Claire said...

Yay! I hear you about being home, and I was only gone for 4 days! hehe.

It WAS a great trip, and I'm so glad we had so much time together.

Can't WAIT to see your pictures!

Hanny said...

Guess what? I'm an Esme! I didn't know you were a Twilight fan too. Just think, we could have spent all that time in the reception line talking about Twilight! I'm so glad we got to see you and spend some time with you. I thoroughly enjoyed standing in the line by you.
(By the way, Hanny was my nickname as a child and I'm not computer savvy enough to get it to change. This is Shannon.)

Jessica said...

Yeah! Kim, I didn't know you were into Twilight! That is great! I took the quiz and I am Esmee. That is good because she is one of my favorite characters. Are you excited for the movie??